Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Aviation
The Brahmal Institute at Imperial College London has been established to enable new cross-disciplinary research towards net-zero aviation. We want to nurture ground breaking ideas and develop the skills that the aviation sector needs to transition to a net-zero economy.
The Institute seeks to support a cohort of about 10 doctoral students each year on a balanced mix of projects that explore fundamental bottlenecks in the decarbonisation of aviation and/or address industrially relevant challenges. Studentships are for 3.5 years and will provide full coverage of tuition fees, a travel budget, and an annual tax-free stipend for both home and international students. The overarching theme will be system-level problems that benefit from expertise from different areas of engineering.
Doctoral students on the DPSA can be registered at any department at Imperial and they will have a secondary affiliation to the Brahmal Institute. They will start work on the projects from day one, supported by short training courses. Students experience will be enriched with cohort building activities, including monthly social gatherings, Brahmal Institute Seminars, and research showcase events (these activities are also open to existing doctoral students whose work is of thematic relevance to the institute. If you are a current PhD student at Imperial and want to get involved, please contact us at
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