
2012 – 2016
PhD in Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK

2007 - 2009
Specialist Diploma in Biomedical Engineering, Pontificia Bolivariana University, Colombia

2001 - 2006
BSc Electronic Engineering, Pontificia Bolivariana University, Colombia


Research Interests

Transport processes in physiological systems; computational fluid dynamics; finite element modelling for biomechanical analyses; cardiovascular devices and prosthetics.

Project Title

Investigation of geometry features and flap motion on the progression of aortic dissection.


Prof Xiao Yun Xu

Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK


Bustamante, J., Crispin, AI., Escobar, N., & Giraldo, M. (2011). Analysis in vitro of the influence of two mechanical bivalve models of heart valves by a wind tunnel model. Revista Colombiana de Cardiología, 18(2), 89-99.

Bustamante, J., Posada, A., Escobar, N., Crispin, A., Restrepo, M., Giraldo, A. (2008) Characterization of functionality heart valve mechanism through of a wind tunnel, Scientia et Technica, Vol. XIV (39), pp 453-458, 2008, Available online.

Awards and Funding

Scholarship awarded by Imperial College London for the PhD Chemical Engineering Research (2012 – 2016)
Working scholarship of younger researcher by Colciencias in Colombia (January – December, 2009)
Third place professional conference at 3er Colombian Congress of Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering (2008)
Working scholarship of younger researcher by Colciencias in Colombia (January – December, 2008)

Contact us

Room 1M17, ACE Extension Building
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ, UK

Tel: +44 (0)207 594 2562