Collaboration Imperial College and Anglian Water have a longstanding tradition of working closely together as partners or as part of bigger consortia. The Strategic Partnership has been a win-win situation, helping both organisations tackle some of the great challenges in the water industry; delivering exemplary teaching and educating our future leaders in the field.

Some of the ways we have and continue to collaborate include:


researchThe key reasons to collaborate are to work together in consortia with other national and international experts, to develop solutions and generate original ideas that tackle some of the grand challenges of our time for the water industry. In partnership with Anglian Water and other external stakeholders, Imperial have been successful at leveraging available funds at national, EU and international level, to carry out this work and remain at the forefront of water research.

A recent example is the GLOABAQUA project. Funded by the EU, the project brings together a 23 strong consortium of universities, leading research bodies, industry, governmental institutions and experts investigating multiple stressors on ecosystem services. The Anglian region is one of the chosen case studies while Anglian Water's Environmental Regulation Manager, is also serving as one of the advisors on the Expert Advisory Panel.

Often the need for an expert to study a particular issue arises at short notice or the projects envisaged are of short time scales. In these instances we can often run these projects as a consultancy project. This allows us to agree and define projects at short notice. Additionally, this gives the company the opportunity to have a world leading expert in the field from Imperial, carrying out this work directly.

Further information on Imperial Consultants can be found here

ExpertWith new challenges in the water industry arising daily, (such as proposed new water regulations or policies) having experts available to the company is a valuable resource. Being able to discuss issues with a leading scientist or engineer in a particular field who can provide detailed insight, has proven to be a great addition to the service we can offer to Anglian Water. An informal call to the right person or a short meeting is often all it takes to get the right guidance. 

We have a longstanding tradition of industry experts from Anglian Water visiting as external lecturers to teach on our outstanding MSc programme in Environmental Technology. This provides the opportunity for the students to be taught by experts that work on the particular topic, providing them with up to date practical information and an appreciation for what it is like to work within the water industry.

Find out more about the MSc and Anglian Waters involvement on the MSc Environmental Technology page.

For several years Imperial have been successfully running an MSc placement programme with Anlian Water. The programme involves attending the MSc Environmental Technology - Water Management Option for two semesters, followed by full-time work in Anglian Water's Innovation team for 16 months. As a technologist the student is a full member of the team, working on projects aimed at bringing innovation into the business. These projects range from investigating the implications of policy changes to testing new technologies and equipment at their pilot plant. For the placement programme Anglian Water sponsors the student, generously covering their tuition fees at Imperial College as well as providing a monthly allowance.

We normally advertise for positions in July/ August every year. Find out more about the placement on the MSc Environmental Technology page.

PhD and Studentship Opportunities

Anglian Water has funded many PhD and EngD students at Imperial College, both completely and partially. AW support leading research to tackle future water industry challenges as well as todays. There are a broad range of research topics in recent years including: drinking water treatment, disinfection by-products, wastewater treatment processes, catchment management and climate change.

Find out more on the PhD and Studentship Opportunities page.


Another aspect of the partnership that has proven to be very beneficial is the longstanding relationships with other organisations, industry and governmental bodies. For example, for several years the group has closely interacted with Veolia Environmental Services, recently leading to also funding a fellowship role within the Environmental Quality Group. Other collaborators include the Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Environment Agency (EA).

Being part of this network has opened up new opportunities and dialogues between utility companies, regulators and stakeholders. This allows for direct channels between them and the Environmental Quality Group. This in turn creates additional benefits for Anglian Water.

Anglian Water