Structured Decision Making Workshops

The network organised a series of Structured Decision-Making (SDM) workshops in the first quarter of 2021 on the following themes:

Structured Decision Making Workshops

Urban Transport Air Pollution

Hosted on Zoom: 27 January and 3 February 2021

Representatives from local authorities, government bodies, NGOs and the Transport sector joined academics to discuss objectives and actions for improving transport related air pollution, and identified knowledge gaps and research topics.

We had 38 attendees (+5 organisers). We developed a values hierarchy and list of actions with an evaluation of research gaps.

Air pollution and microplastics

Hosted on Zoom: 3 March and 12 March 2021

This online 2-part workshop on the topic of airborne microplastic pollution brought together policymakers, industry, healthcare, NGOs and academics to support the process of evidence-based policy making surrounding the overarching topic of microplastic pollution, with a focus on atmospheric/ airborne microplastics. The workshop followed the Structured Decision Making (SDM) approach whereby shared and differing values and objectives are identified through facilitated discussions and activities, with the aim of gaining a consensus on priority actions for stakeholders.

The outputs of the workshop will aim to shape the future research agenda for policy and academia, whilst highlighting knowledge gaps for all stakeholders.

Systems thinking for post-COVID air quality strategies

In partnership with the Transition to Zero Pollution initiative, the Environment Agency and the Greater London Authority

Hosted on Zoom: 17 and 24 March 2021

This participatory workshop brought together policymakers, academics and representatives from a range of organisations in the third sector, healthcare and industry, to explore the process of evidence-based decision making under the theme of post-COVID air quality strategies. The workshop format enabled the diverse group of participants to co-develop a systems thinking framework to better understand the complex drivers and impacts of air pollution, and to consider optimal strategies for local urban contexts. Structured decision-making was used to recognise shared values and priority actions for a post-COVID world, and to identify knowledge and evidence gaps that are most relevant to the air pollution decision making context.

Find out more

Find out more about NExAir's upcoming events and access information and resources from our past events and workshops via the links below:

Get in touch

To find out more about the Network of Excellence in Air Quality, please contact Dr Benjamin Barratt.

Join the network

The Network of Excellence in Air Quality is open to all Imperial staff members. Please contact Dr Benjamin Barrett to join.