Hacktoberfest logo

Hacktoberfest is a month-long annual event that encourages people to contribute to open source throughout October. The motivation of Hacktoberfest is to celebrate all things open source, especially the people that make open source so special.

This year the central Research Software Engineering team at Imperial, is planning to host two in-person events during Hacktoberfest, on 1 and 23 October. The events will be open to anybody interested in participating in open source software, either coding or with non-code contributions. Everybody is welcome to join the events and bring their own code along for a discussion with the central RSE team members. We can (try to) offer advice about a variety of things related to software development best practices, including code design, tooling (including use of Git and GitHub), optimisation or anything else you can think of.

Remember that Hacktoberfest also welcomes low code and non-code contributions – a big chunk of what surrounds good open source software has nothing to do with code!


Both events will be the full day and include morning and afternoon coffee, as well as lunch. These are the details:

  • Tuesday 1 October 2024 09.30-16.30 – Book your place by 23 September! Location: CHEM C660 – Active Learning Suite Teaching Room (6th Floor, Chemistry Building, SK campus)
  • Wednesday 23 October 2024 09.30-16.30 – Book your place by 15 October! Location: SALC 10 – Seminar and Learning Center (5th Floor, Sherfield Building, SK campus)

You cannot join in person? Not a problem! You can also join the event online on both days. Just select the appropriate option in the registration form.


The agenda for both events is similar, but will be adapted depending on the attendees:

  • 09.30 – 10.00: Refreshments
  • 10.00 – 10.15: Welcome and Introduction to Hacktoberfest 2024
  • 10.15 – 10.35: Why open source? Good software engineering practices and how to write a good pull request
  • 10.35 – 11.00: Pitch your work (Lightning talk for projects that want contributions)
  • 11.00 – 13.00: Collaborative working session 1
  • 13.00 – 14.00: Lunch
  • 14.00 – 16.00: Collaborative working session 2
  • 16.00 – 16.30: Wrap-up


Here you have a couple of resources, depending on whether you are an open source software maintainer or a contributor:

How to register

Please complete the form in the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/7kE7dyWavd

You can register to both events within the same form, but keep in mind that registration to each of them will be closed 1 week before the event.

This event is only available to members of the Imperial College London community.