Professor Ash

Prof AshEric Ash joined the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College in 1963, and became a full professor in 1967. He was appointed Head of Department and holder of the Pender Chair in 1980. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on 17 March 1977, and was awarded its Clifford Paterson Medal shortly afterwards. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1978 and became Rector of Imperial College (1985-1993).
On the retirement of Professor Sir Eric Ash FRS, Imperial College Trust, who fund the scheme, decided to change the name of the scholarships to Ash Music Scholarships to mark Sir Eric’s profound interest in and support of music at Imperial College. Each year the top scholar is awarded the Coldstream Guards’ Scholarship.
Imperial College offers up to five music scholarships a year to students entering Imperial College in the first year of their first undergraduate course. The scholarships give students the opportunity to have instrumental or vocal lessons at the Royal College of Music (the College’s neighbour in South Kensington).

All the students playing in today’s concert take an active role in music at Imperial College, and have music awards from the College.
Today’s concert is given in Sir Eric’s memory.

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