Shields side by side depicting crests of the historic Charing Cross & Westminster Medical Schoo, and the Charing Cross Hospital Medical School

Message from Michelle Penn to CXHMS and CXWMS alumni (all years)

The annual, all years CXHMS and CXWMS reunion lunch will take place this year on 2 November at The Clermont Hotel (part of the Charing Cross station complex). The Ballroom has been reserved for this enjoyable reunion that will follow the usual format:

11.30: pre-lunch gathering with a glass of wine, beer or a soft drink
13.00 onwards: a silver service, three-course lunch with a glass of wine. Followed by tea, coffees and chocolates with a cash bar for any additional drinks. 

As usual there will be no formal seating plan. If you wish to sit with your firm members or particular colleagues, please reserve places on arrival. We will issue a list of those attending in October so that you know who else will be there. Kindly bring and wear a name badge with your name and year of qualification on it to aid recognition. 

The cost of lunch will be £85 per person. Spouses and guests are welcome. 

I hope you will be able to join us this autumn. 

Next steps

To RSVP, please email Michelle at Do include your name (and medical school name if different), as well as your class year to be added to the lunch list. Once Michelle has added you to the list, you will receive direct updates about the event including instructions for payment.

You can also join the Facebook group CXHMS+CXWMS Reunion Lunch

Celebrating a milestone year?

This reunion lunch is for alumni of all years from the above medical schools. However, if you are celebrating a milestone year (if your studies finished in a year ending in a 9 or 4), you can request your complimentary milestone pack here. Your milestone pack contains a commemorative pin and souvenir postcards, to be posted to you wherever you are in the world.