Fusion holds the promise of safe, essentially unlimited energy from abundant sources, with no long-term radioactive waste. Recent breakthroughs and rapid expansion of fusion private industry has accelerated the pace of progress to making fusion a reality. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has been at the forefront of fusion energy research since its founding in 1952, both inertial and magnetic fusion energy approaches. This talk will introduce LLNL, magnetic fusion energy research, and the opportunities to get involved in this exciting and multi-disciplinary field. 

Ben was planning to visit us in person earlier this year, but couldn’t come due to unforeseen circumstances.  So, on Friday at 4 PM he will be giving the seminar remotely from California.  Feel free to either join remotely in this Teams meeting, or come to BLKT 1004 where I will set up the seminar to be streamed.